fireplaces The fire is possible to look at water and long, and even it is useful - nerves calms....

The schedules of each number
Frontal furnace hoods

Technical problems  
    and answers in a forum

-How to make a girt.
-Whether is necessary fire-proof           a brick.

Glass for a furnace hood.
-The gate valve is in general necessary?
-And much other, only 90 messages.

" The Practical theory "
-Constructions of furnace hoods,
-Proportions of furnace cavities and flue ducts,
-Installation on capping,
-The literature.

Examples   3D of the projects
Furnace hoods


The thumbnails of furnace hoods "by hand"


About a barbeque

The guest book


Архитектура России. Специализированный портал



Mining design of chimneys in the program ArchiCAD
   with creation volumetric photorealistic   
Models in yours (even the future) interior,
Designing a technical part.
Construction, facing of chimneys.
Delineations of each number for a masonry of furnace hoods
  from a brick and space images to them.

fireplaces red

Exponentation of pipes. Consulting.
Computer design of your interior and building on Real background with application practically any Materials and textures, simulation solar and
Artificial lighting, even creation is possible Computer video of a roll (5.4 & 1.2 mB) of walk on your1 future To the house with alleged furniture, pictures and lusters.

Some advice

TO INSTALL A PIPE : Do not try to attach the chimney to an existing furnace or pipe, which has remained on the furnace, or fan drift, if the size of the cross-section is less than 13*26 cm. Also, do not use a pipe with bends or deviations from a vertical of more than 30 degrees.

EXACT PLACEMENT FOR A FIRE: The sidewalls of the space for the fire should determine the bevel way, which should be 22-23 degrees from the frontal plane and the back wall, starting approximately from a height of 30 cm under the same corner to the vertical. If anyone says to do this differently - run him in the neck, because it is not a chimney, but a counterfeit, or is simply the spare from an ancient Russian furnace.

FIRE BARS: In general, customary furnaces fire bars have, if not simply a place for ash, only the possibility of inflow in the furnace of air. This is because its small door is closed, and all of the ash there is flaked (this is a corollary rather than reason). As in a chimney, there is no door on a fireplace, so air can easily get to the fire, therefore fire bars are not necessary. But if very much desired, it is necessary that above the fire bars the fire wood burns much faster and therefore, is necessary, in any case, for them to accumulate more.
I install in chimneys a smooth floor in the fireplace so there is no need for fire bars.
If you have further questions about the construction of a chimney, I am most willing to answer them.

With pleasure I will answer questions for former customers, if anybody remembers me.

Questions and sentences route to me:

Vladimir Kryukov         
Architechtural Engineer 
Ph. in Israel :
(972) 4-8620792,
-064 226157

ICQ 164747673

      To know, that to the writer on it  
<<<<<Site it is necessary to add, I ask To vote 


камин роз
камин не тёс кам

As to the prices

The price of construction of brick chimneys is mainly defined (determined) iby the width of a gantry and presence of any additions or deckhouses.
For example, the chimney will work without additions to the width of a gantry 0,5m. ($540 for stowing of bricks "under plaster " or 540*1.3=702 $ for a brick of high quality with cleaning and leveling of seams for a gantry of 1m. in width, accordingly $700 and $910.
The construction of a pipe from bricks results in additional expense - from 40 to 80 $ for each meter of height depending on the size of the section of a smoke duct, which, in turn depends on a size of the gantry of a chimney (and the size of the gantry depends on the square of the room)

For facing marble - granite is necessary to book in marble or granite. The corporation provides a package of parts. Thus, this can be done for one to several thousand dollars less, depending on:

1. Price of the stone, which changes from $50 to $200 per square meter.

2. Presence or absence of a hand-held thread.

3. Quantity of parts made on a turning lathe (spheres, baluster, column etc.) and profiled parts, i.e. with curly margins, grooves or others.

The cost of operation for installation of these parts is equaled by the cost of stowing of bricks "under plaster " for the chimney.



As of April 19, 2003 statistics of interrogation demonstrates, that 60 % of the visitors want to construct a furnace hood. Therefore it seems to strange absence of new problems in a forum. If someone hesitates to put the problems there, I ask to write to me on E.m. And to inform, that would like to see, but have not found on these retiring pages

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The maiden page " of furnace Hoods of manual operation " is opened by November 2, 2000,
Is freshened weekly.
The publication of materials without the coordination with the writer is not enabled.

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